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Fleet fuel cards are cards that help companies manage the expenses associated with a fleet of vehicles. These cards provide businesses with discounts on gas purchases, as well as on the maintenance and repair of fleet vehicles. For businesses seeking a fleet fuel card, the Exxon Mobil credit card is an excellent option. The card is suitable for municipal fleets, nonprofit organizations, small and medium fleets, and large regional or national fleets. This Exxon Mobil credit card login guide provides instructions on how to sign into your Exxon Mobil account.
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Exxon Mobil Credit Card Login Guidelines
Follow these steps to log into the Exxon Mobil credit card portal via a computer’s browser.
- Open your computer’s browser.
- Go to Exxon Mobil credit card website.
- Navigate to the “Sign On” section.
- Under the “User ID” field, enter your user ID.
- Under the “Password” field, enter your password.
- Activate the “Remember My User ID” function to make future visits fast and easy.
- Click on the button marked “Sign On” to get to your account.
Exxon Mobil Credit Card Mobile Login Guidelines
The steps in this section show you how to log into the Exxon Mobil credit card portal via a mobile device’s browser.
- Open your mobile device’s browser.
- Visit the Exxon Mobil credit card website linked above.
- Once the page has loaded, you’ll be able to see the “Sign On” section.
- Enter your user ID in the top field.
- Enter your password in the next field.
- Turn on the “Remember My User ID” feature to make future visits more convenient.
- Tap the “Sign On” button to complete the login process.
Exxon Mobil Credit Card Mobile Login Guidelines for Apple Devices
- Open the iTunes Store and search for the Exxon Mobil Speedpass+ app by Exxon Mobil Corporation.
- Download the application.
- Open the app to access the startup page.
- In the “User ID” text box, type your user ID.
- In the “Password” text box, enter your password.
- Check the “Remember User ID” feature to make subsequent visits more convenient.
- Tap “Sign On.”
- If you entered the correct user ID and password, you will be redirected to your account’s dashboard.
Exxon Mobil Credit Card Mobile Login Guidelines for Android Devices
- Find the Exxon Mobil Speedpass+ app by Exxon Mobil Corporation on Google Play Store.
- Download the app, then open it.
- The homepage will be displayed.
- Enter your user ID in the top field.
- Enter your password in the last field.
- Tick the “Remember User ID” box to make future visits quick and easy.
- Tap “Sign On” to complete the login process.
Exxon Mobil Credit Card Login – Additional Troubleshooting
Sometimes, it is possible to forget your username, and be unable to log in. If you can’t remember your account username, use the steps outlined below to recover it:
- Go to the Exxon Mobil credit card login page linked above.
- Click on the “Retrieve User ID” link.
- The reset page will be displayed.
- Enter your card number in the top field.
- In the next field, enter your name as it appears on the credit card.
- Enter your security code in the third field. The security code is normally the three or four-digit number displayed on the back of your credit card.
- Enter the last four digits of the primary cardholder’s Social Security Number.
- Tap “Verify.”
- Follow the prompts on your PC’s or mobile device’s screen to proceed with the reset process.
If you need further assistance, contact the Exxon Mobil support team at 877.733.3727.